Should I Invest in CBLI Stock? Is It Worth Buying Cleveland BioLabs Inc?

CBLI stock is one sell signal like the provisional moving average. Just on a long-term average, you must buy a sign. Whether the short-term average is more than the long-term average, thus it is a general signal for purchasing stock. Although it also provides a production forecast for the future.

Instability and fluctuation are one of the major characteristics of the share market. Though there are high chances of getting a huge amount of profit, you have taken a high risk. New investors with restricted experience in investing in the stock market are either terrified of losing 50 percent of portfolio value or are captivated by the bear amount. Similarly, Cleveland BioLabs Inc. or CBLI stock also fluctuated for the past few months.  

In the month of July stock CBLI was increased by 2.22% and got a strong rating through the investor’s sentiment indicator. But for the past few weeks their stock has fallen and as a result, received such negative ratings. On 17th November 2021, their stock chopped down by -3.60 percent and continuously fell for 4 days. Meanwhile, the price is also fluctuating going down and up.

Now again the CBLI stock price and the stock volume also fluctuated with 0% change and volume fell at a good rate to follow their stock. Last week, their trading volume diminished by -67000 shares. The total number of bought shares was 103 which was sold for 385.18 thousand dollars. Now the question is, should you invest in CBLI stock, or is it worth buying their stock?

About Cleveland Biolabs Inc:

Cleveland BioLabs Inc. is an authorized biopharmaceutical company that is also recognized as NASDAQ CBLI. The main motto of the company is to develop novel approaches for activating the immune system as well as address various serious medical needs in Russia and the US. Research products of CBLI have the potential to treat cancer. The proprietary stage of TLR activators of it has submissions in the extenuation of radiation oncology, radiation injury, and vaccines.

One of the known products of CBLI is entolimod which is an immune stimulatory agent used as the medical radioactivity countermeasure and radiation oncology. The company also developed Mobile which leads to the expression of ligand and TLR5. Cleveland BioLabs Inc. was founded in the year of 2003 in Buffalo, New York.

What are stock sentiments:

At the time of making investment verdicts, sentiment provides an overall good overview of stockholders currently favoring. It incorporates short-term technical analysis obsessed by its score as well as doesn’t encompass somewhat fundamental analysis like profitability of a company. That means earning updates can greatly influence overall sentiment.

Generally, price change is the best indicator of sentiment such as changes in the price of CBLI stock is the major sentiment of that particular stock. However, the stock’s trend designates whether current stock sentiment is bearish or bullish. The sentiment is based on two factors; volume variation and price change. Increasing volume indicates that the present trend is the consolidation and falling volume indicates reversal to the ongoing trend.

Know about CBLI stock sentiments:

Before buying stock CBLI does some research about their stock sentiments. Though stock sentiment fluctuates every week, take a look before making the decision. The stock of CBLI has fallen by -11.54% in last week. The volume was 461,740 shares. From the past 12 months, CBLI lost -0.18 dollars per share.

Today’s performance on CBLI stock:

CBLI stock has fallen by -11.54 percent while the other company shares are up as of the beginning of July 2021. The closing price also decreased by -0.72 dollars on the volume of 461750 shares. Meanwhile, from last year Cleveland BioLabs Inc. is up 153.21 percent while S & P 500 is up by 36.85%. Though, they lost 0.18 dollars per share.

What is the forecast and signal of CBLI?

CBLI stock is holding one sell signal as of the provisional moving average. Only on a long-term average, you should buy a signal. If the short-term average is above the long-term average, that means it’s a general signal for buying stock. However, it also offers a positive forecast aimed at the future.

Stocks will encounter various resistance from the short-term moving averages of 3.89 dollars. Formerly in the reduction phase, stocks will obtain various support from a long-term average of 3.29 dollars.

Breakdown in short-term average indicates to buy signal while break-up from long-term average indicates to sell signal. On 12th November 2021 one sell signal derived from the hinge top point and has fallen by -8.09%. The volume of stock CBLI also with the positive signal price. But there are some risks.

Power grades of CBLI:

  • CBLI scored best on sentiment dimension and the sentiment rank forward of 85.87 percent of United States stocks.
  • The company ranks lowermost in Quality and ranked in the second percentile.
  • Momentum is the sturdiest trend for Cleveland BioLabs.

CBLI Stock Summary:

  • The debt ratio for operating expenses of Cytocom is higher than CBLI about 0.47% of United States stocks.
  • Revenue growth of the last 1 year of CBLI is 1.16% of the United States stocks.
  • Price/sales ratio of CBLI is 1124.26 which is higher than the price/sales ratio of 99.34 percent of United States sticks.
  • CBLI stock price depends on their market capitalization, price volatility and financial statements.

For more information, you can visit their official filings.

CBLI stock valuation summary:

  • Price/sales ratio CBLI is 1115.9 which is 9731.71% higher than the stocks of median healthcare.
  • The EV/EBIT ratio of CBLI has fallen 4.8% in the past 184 months.
  • Price/earnings ratio of CBLI has fallen by 10.8% in the past 184 months.

Growth Metrics of CBLI:

  • The net cash flow for the past 5 years from operation growth rate is 81.15%.
  • Revenue growth rate for the past two years is -33.07%.

Quality factors of CBLI:

The POWER component “Quality” depends on 31 several factors of the operational strength and fundamentals of a company. Some of the quality factors of CBLI are:

  • Quality grade of CBLI stock is F and ranking fast of 2.6 percent of graded United States stocks.
  • ORMP, APVO, VTRS are those stocks whose capital turnover ratio is most connected with CBLI.
  • Asset turnover of CBLI came in at 0.005 and ranked 409 over 677 pharmaceutical goods stocks.

CBLI financials:

Here is a short brief discussion of CBLI financials:

  • Revenue TTM is $106,900.
  • Gross profit is $-428,128
  • Return on assets is -20.33%
  • Return on equity is -31.86%
  • Profit margin is 0%
  • Block value $0.60
  • Market capitalization is $49.1 million.

CBLI stock price:

People are eagerly waiting to know the CBLI stock price. For the last year, CBLI’s shares have fluctuated in worth from $2.11-$10.97. On 31st August the stock price was 3.17 dollars while on June 14th, it was 5.33 dollars. You can easily check their stock price fluctuation on their official website.

Is it worth buying CBLI stocks?

CBLI shares are holding constructive or positive signals. According to the investors, still, CBLI is not enough to buy a candidate. Therefore, it’s considered as a hold candidate at the present moment. However, it will be great to wait until the company will develop and have some potential to sell their shares.

Sabby Capital is the largest stockholder of CBLI. They are holding an overall 2.5-million-dollar worth of stocks. Another largest stockholder is Renaissance Technologies which holds an overall $0.7 million worth of shares. The only bullish hedge fund of CBLI stock is the Citadel Investment Group. There are lots of positive reasons to buy their shares and some risks as well.

Hedge funds thought:

In the 2nd quarter of this year, a total of 3 hedge funds were tracked by the insider monkey for a long time by the change of 0 percent compared to the 1st quarter. Throughout all the stocks of Hedge funds, only one single fund was sold among the entire position which does not mean that it was the bearish intent. Again, it totally depends on your own opinion as every person has their own mentality and decision.

Is it the right time for buying CBLI stock?

You can check the real-time ratings and price of CBLI stock for your preferable time frames through any technical analysis. However, it’s not an endorsement and it represents the technical analysis constructed on such technical indicators as pivots, oscillators, moving averages. According to the chart, last month’s stock price increased by 100% even though the last 6 months’ stock price has increased by 100%. By calculating all the factors, you can make your choice whether you buy their shares or not.

How to buy CBLI’s shares?

  1. Compare all the stock trading platforms.
  2. Open the brokerage account and complete the application by filling up all the details.
  3. Confirm the payment details by funding your account.
  4. Do some research for the stock. You can also search CBLI stock and check their all the details.
  5. Choose purchase now/ later. Use your preferable price limit to purchase the share.
  6. Check your investment and optimize the portfolio tracking.


As we know Cleveland BioLabs Inc is one of the famous biotechnology companies and recently it is developing through very good ratings. In 2015, stock CBLI was split on a 1:20 basis. However, a 1900% higher stock price impacted the CBLI market appetite. Though it is a developing company, its market reputation is so good. There are always some risks in the share market so when you invest in any company you have to take some risks. Now it’s totally up to you whether you buy CBLI shares or not.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the target price of CBLI stock for 2025?

Ans: The target price of CBLI stock for 2025 will be $29.82985.

Q: What are the share dividends of CBLI?

Ans: CBLI is not expecting to pay any dividend from the last 1 year.

Q: What percentage of CBLI is owned by institutions or insiders?

Ans: Currently 52.548 percent of CBLI shares are held by insiders and institutions have 4.774% of CBLI shares.

Q: What is the end time of the fiscal year of Cleveland BioLabs Inc?

Ans: In December the fiscal year ends.

Q: What is the number of people who work at CBLI?

Ans: According to the latest data there are 18 works.

Q: What is the address of CBLI?

Ans: CBLI is based in 2537, Research Boulevard, CO, Fort Collins, United States, Postal code- 80526.

Q: What is the ISIN number of Cleveland BioLabs?

Ans: The ISIN number of CBLI is US8575611046

Q: What is the CUSIP number of Cleveland BioLabs?Ans: The CUSIP number of CBLI is 185860103.

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