MOFI4500 Attach Google Home WiFi –An Overview

Attaching a MOFI4500 to Google home WiFi will significantly boost the performance of your home WiFi system. Both of these two routers will jointly provide a better user experience. Learn how to finetune your home WiFi performance through a MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi.

To understand how to set up these two together for optimal WiFi performance you need to understand some important tech terms. I’m listing them here for your convenience.

understand some important tech terms

Technical TermDefinition
WiFiA networking system that uses radio signals to provide high-speed local Internet coverage,
LAN (Local Area Network)A group of connected devices in a small area, usually a home or an office. 
WAN (Wide Area Network)This networking system connects smaller networks over a wide area. A WAN allows two devices anywhere in the world to connect and share information and data. 
RouterA device that allows a number of devices to use the same Internet network connection.
LTE (Long Term Evolution)A system of wireless data transmission that facilitates fast downloading of music, videos etc.
4G (4th Generation Wireless)Another system of fast wireless data transmission, much faster than its predecessor 3rd Generation Wireless.
5G (5th Generation Wireless)This is the latest wireless data transmission system that provides the fastest data downloading speed so far.
WPA2 (WiFi Protected Access 2)A WiFi network security protocol. It uses advanced encryption system and it is widely used. However, it is vulnerable to attacks.
WPA3 (WiFi Protected Access 3)Another WiFi network security protocol. It also uses advanced encryption system and is more secure than WPA2.
EthernetThe traditional system of connecting devices in a wired LAN or WAN network.
TetheringThe system of sharing Internet connection from a smartphone to other devices.
IP (Internet Protocol)A set of rules that facilitate online communication between two devices.
Dead ZoneA place where mobile network is not available.

MOFI4500 and Google Home WiFi

Here we’ll find out what MOFI4500 router and Google home WiFi are and what benefits they yield separately before we get into the details of their joint action and how to attach them.

What is MOFI4500

Made by Canadian tech giant MoFi Network Inc, MOFI4500 router has four variations for your home WiFi coverage. They are 4G/LTE (no 5G), 4G/LTE/5G, Dual Modem and Non-Cellular variations. 

Features of MOFI4500 Router

Strong Connectivity

MOFI4500 provides home WiFi and Ethernet LAN network. It also supports WiFi tethering so you can share your cellular connection with others. 

Superb Build Quality

This router has a rugged look and robust build quality. 

Consistent Performance

MOFI4500 has been proven to provide consistent performance. However, this is a slightly outdated version of Mofi routers and is now largely replaced by more modern 5500 and 6500 versions. 

But if you join it to a Google router to boost your home WiFi performance, this MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi will do wonders to boost your WiFi performance.

What is Google Home WiFi

Google WiFi is a home Internet network system developed by the tech giant Google. It is much more sophisticated than traditional older routers and provides seamless Internet coverage and supports WiFi tethering. 

It can be attached to older routers for a more powerful WiFi performance. For example, A MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi will provide a more stable and powerful local Internet network coverage than these two doing it separately.

Features of Google Home WiFi

When Google does something it does it on a grand scale and its home WiFi system is no exception. Here are some of the features of this WiFi coverage.

Top-Class Security Cover

Google home WiFi utilises both WAP2 and WAP3 security protocols. Besides, it also uses wireless encryption and Google provides regular security updates. So Google’s is the best-in-class home WiFi system as far as security coverage is concerned.

Extended Connectivity Feature

Google home WiFi routers have two Ethernet ports and can be configured both as WAN and LAN connectivity. Their WAP2 security protocol also facilitates pairing with older devices like MOFI4500 routers. 

Guest WiFi Networking

This feature of Google home WiFi routers, especially MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi, allows you to share your WiFi connection with your guests through a guest WiFi network.

MOFI4500 attach Google Home WiFi

As I’ve said earlier, MOFI4500 attach Google Home WiFi provides an enhanced home WiFi environment. First, let’s learn how to pair these two routers to get the maximum benefits.

Connecting the two routers

  • Switch on both routers and keep an Ethernet cable handy.
  • Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into MOFI4500 WAN port.
  • Configure the Google home WiFi router’s settings.
  • Log in to the Google router’s admin page.
  • Follow the prompts and connect your Google WiFi router to MOFI4500.
  • Your MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi now should be activated and working properly.

Problems and Solutions

Connecting a MOFI4500 to Google home WiFi may pose some problems. Here are the common problems users face while pairing these two routers and their easy solutions.

  • After completing the connection process, if the two devices aren’t communicating, check if all cables are attached correctly and all necessary switches are in on positions.
  • If the problem persists, restart both routers, rebooting often resolves connection problems.
  • IP conflict will also cause connection malfunction. Make sure the two routers are configured to operate on different IP ranges. 
  • Firewall configuration can also hinder the proper connection between the two routers. Check Google’s home WiFi firewall settings and adjust them to align with MOFI4500. 

Benefits of MOFI4500 attach Google Home WiFi

So you’ve successfully configured and connected the two routers. They are now working properly. Now, let’s find out what benefits their synergy will yield to make your home WiFi performance better and more efficient.

Enhanced WiFi Coverage

The main advantage of a MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi is enhanced WiFi coverage. You’ll get smoother connectivity, seamless downloading and uploading and almost errorless communication between your devices.

Uninterrupted WiFi Coverage

Google home WiFi uses a mesh networking technology. One of the main advantages of this system is it almost eliminates the dead zones and you’ll get an uninterrupted WiFi experience across the entire WiFi coverage area in your home.

User-Friendly Interfaces

MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi will provide a better user experience due to ease of use. Both of these two routers have simple and user-friendly interfaces that make it easier to configure, connect and use them. 

Their apps also have simple interfaces that further enhance their user experience. You don’t have to be a techie to understand and use these two popular routers together for better home WiFi performance.


To conclude, I’d like to remind you that a MOFI4500 attach Google home WiFi environment will enhance every aspect of your home WiFi experience. Both of these two routers are developed and backed up by two tech giants and are undoubtedly two heavy-duty routers. 

However, MOFI4500 is now considered a bit outdated and has two new and better versions. But it is still used widely as a reliable router for home WiFi systems worldwide.

Google home WiFi, on the other hand, has all the features the latest router technology can offer and it can efficiently do everything expected of a quality home WiFi router independently.

But together, these two routers will give you an unmatched home WiFi experience. Outstanding security, uninterrupted WiFi coverage, seamless data downloading and uploading and the absence of dead zones are some of the major benefits of using these two routers together.


Q. What is MOFI4500?

A. MOFI4500 is a router used in home WiFi networking systems.

Q. What is Google home WiFi?

A. Google home WiFi is Google’s home WiFi system with a special router.

Q. Is MOFI4500 compatible with Google home WiFi?

A. Yes, it is fully compatible with Google home WiFi.

Q. Can I use MOFI4500 with Google home WiFi?

A. Yes. Together these two systems will enhance your home WiFi experience manifold.

About Lija

I am the voice, author and creator behind the Webtechhelp. For me, writing is one of my favorite hobbies. In my free time, I like to spend my day reading books, tech, outing with friends, family, and writing.

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