Is a Data Analyst Worth the Investment?

Ask laymen about what comes to mind about what is a data analyst and what does a data analyst do ? The answers you would get from them are astounding. They will say “ Oh they just do Excel sheets and provide numbers on customers and the profits of the company” People have deduced a data analyst as a person who just does Excel sheets and this comparison is shameful. 

Webtechhelp is here to give you a complete blueprint of what is a data analyst is, how they contribute to business what is data analyst’s salary in 2024, and how you can become a data analyst in this digital era. 

Read with us as we dive into the Journey of exploring the data analyst kingdom.

What does a data analyst do exactly? 

To go by the basic definition provided by Dr susan mckenzie , a data analyst takes business data, and provides a risk management plan on how the company should move in the next five years or how should the company tackle the existing issues.

A good and well-versed data analyst would have the following skills to showcase their contribution to the company. The person should have mastery over technical skills, numerical skills, and analytical skills. Let’s understand how these key skills make a difference in the organization.

  • Technical skills: software language skills to present the data. 
  • Numerical skills: To calculate the data.
  • Analytical skills: View and analyze the details.

Other than these skills there are a few other skills that the data analyst must possess to perform to the best of his abilities and those are time management, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Based on the core skills mentioned above these are some other skills that a data analyst should take into consideration to minimize errors. 

Making you understand the function of data analyst 

We believe in simplicity and not jargon, hence we have dedicated the function of data analysis in simple terms. You would see a lot of websites explaining this terminology but what they have failed is to make you understand the true meaning of data analysis.

Example 1: 

Let’s say that you have a website and you have an advertising campaign on it. The job of the data analyst is to check how many people have clicked on it. If people have clicked on the campaign and moved according to the direction of how the company wanted it, then the project campaign was successful. If not, the data analyst would decide what improvement can be done 

Example 2 : 

We still believe that a well-drafted email has the power to transform your career. We have seen people who have not applied for a single job on the job posting websites but have backed the highest paying job. 

Well, this is because the user writing the email has provided pain points. Which the person can solve inside the company. Hiring a analyst to check which email of your company has the most interaction and which ones need improvement can be a game changer 

Technical skills that are needed to become a data scientist 

According to the insights provided by Rice University, the following is a list of technical skills that are needed to become a data scientist 

  • Data visualization and storytelling 
  • Advanced math 
  • Machine learning 
  • Algorithm models 
  • Big data analytics 

Software skills need for a data scientist 

From the knowledge provided by Coursera, the following software skills are the need of the hour

  • SQL 
  • Statistical programming 
  • Statistical visualization
  • Data management 
  • Google Data Analytics 

Salary structure of data scientist in 2024 

Once you have the knowledge and power to know the job role of a data scientist it’s time we address the big question which is “How much do data analysts make”. Well according to Indeed and Glassdoor. The starting salary of the data analyst is 30k US dollars and it increases as you gain experience. The highest recorded salary of 2024 would be 300K US dollars. 

Top companies that are hiring data scientist 

  • Intuit
  • Capital one 
  • Capgemini
  • Fourans
  • One main financial 
  • Cox communication Inc


We part, we just wanted to say that being a data scientist is a matter of pride. Helping companies to skyrocket their revenue by analyzing and calculating their business problems requires brain power knowledge and communication skills. If you are trying to make a jump, we would encourage you to do so, because it has handsome pay and the work looks super interesting to us. Make the career leap you always wanted. 

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Can I become a data analyst from a nontechnical background?

The answer is a resounding yes, you need to take help from online courses or actual physical institutions that teach data analysis. Some of the best-sellers are Illinois State University, the University of Arizona and American University.

How can I get a maximum salary being a data analyst?

That depends on your experience, the more you work on your skills the more you get paid.

What’s the difference between a data scientist and a data analyst?

You might have seen an architect make a plan and the engineer executes them. The same goes with data scientists and data analysts. The data analyst analyzes the existing data from the company to find out errors. These errors are passed to data scientists who critically analyze these data, and find out new ways to improve them.

About Lija

I am the voice, author and creator behind the Webtechhelp. For me, writing is one of my favorite hobbies. In my free time, I like to spend my day reading books, tech, outing with friends, family, and writing.

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