Why Digital Clock Card Are Better Than Manual System?

In the past few decades, almost all societies in both developed and developing countries have adapted a certain universal style. The most poignant features of such societies show that they are eminently technical in nature gladly accepting. Earlier people used to highly honor manual labor, but in present situations, anything that involves manual labor is considered inefficient and outdated. Amidst the various other fast electronic devices, the introduction of Clock card has also made a permanent place in the employment generation in corporate companies. A clock card, also known as “time clock,” is a unique electronic device that helps an organization to track their employee’s time-table. This kind of device records the working hours of the employees. When this device was first introduced, it was used to only monitor the date and time of employees’ entrance and departure from the office. Later, it has changed into such a tool which maintains a steady record of every employee’s working hours and by as a result, the payroll, or the payment structure of the employee will be determined.

Now, almost every corporate organizations, MNC and even small-scale factories utilize the time card system for maintaining employee pay structure. This is a very significant part of accounting and as a result, the time cock system eases a significant burden on accounting. Every organization with multiple employees will require this helpful device because it will help them in judging their employees work performance daily. Initially, in the fledgling age of digital era, ledger systems used to track such details. However, in the era of late 90’s, the scenario quickly changed and headed towards a more digitally-inclined workspace. The ledger system got replaced by the clock card, and companies have not looked back since. The current clock cards that are used extensively are magnetic, scan-friendly and accept radio frequency identification. Here is a brief overview about how and why these modern clock cards are exceedingly better than punching machines or ledger systems.

  • High levels of accuracy – The traditional system of punching machine was viable to errors. As they were operated manually, people sometimes used to enter wrong information. Because of these errors, any inaccurate information used to lead to detrimental problems in pay roll. As an additional result, it might so happen that a deserving candidate did not get his or her requisite salary. On the contrary, some other employee, being non-deserving of the benefit, got a promising salary by sheer good fortune. In the case of utilizing a clock card system, chances of such incidents are rare.
  • Modern Clock Card Systems Save time– The corporate companies usually have a vast number of employees, keeping an account of everyone is virtually impossible. It visibly entails long hours and risks of error also become higher. Clock card will save the time in a way that may not be as possible for ledger machines.
  • Time theft- The rudimentary manual devices lack the potent to track the unauthorized activities such as buddy punching or time theft. Many employees may appear late or they may waste long hours in leisure. Their friends or colleagues with the same mentality may punch their card, robbing the company of their time instead of being present. This practice is close to impossible when using clock cards, as they track each employee by their bar code or radio-frequency. Clock card saves a company’s legal money by preventing this kind unethical tactics on the part of the employee.
  • Legal and productive- Clock card systems create a central database in which the employer can get every employee’s attendance detail and pay-roll structure in a coherent and synchronized manner. Clock cards also make sure that the workers of the company are abiding by the law and are treated under a fair and equal light. Clock card, as a result, has become an integral part of every private company.

These are some reasons for the popularity of clock cards.

About Safikul Islam

Web Developer & SEO Specialist with 3+ years of experience in Open Source Web Development, specialized in Custom PHP & WordPress development. He is also the moderator of this blog "WebTechHelp".

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