Hey, Gamers! Elevate Your Gaming Experience With Rank-By-Ping.Com

You’re on the eighth level of this high-adrenaline action game and the bullet sponge is really giving you a tough time. Suddenly, the game stops.

Now take it easy. Don’t smash your console or call the empty room obscene names. Keep your cool. Just give it a little time and the problem will solve itself. 

What? You’re too involved in the game to tolerate any lagging? Well, then try Rank-by-Ping.com

In this article on Webtechhelp, I’ll discuss how this gaming tool can get rid of this lag thing and save your console from your justifiable wrath.

Why Lag Occurs During a Computer Game?

What is a lag in computer games?

To make things easier to digest for you, I must tell you a few words about lagging and how it occurs during a computer game. This will help you appreciate the good job Rank-by-Ping.com is doing for frustrated gamers.

As you’ve learned the hard way, a lag is the delay between your input (the input given by the client) and the server’s response to that input. This is technically called ping time. 

The lower the ping, the shorter the delay. A ‘high ping’ is a gaming slang that means a long delay in response from the game server to your input.

You press the button that should give the bullet sponge both barrels: Instead, the game stops in the middle. An intolerable delay between your input and the desired response. 

A goddamn lag!

Why the Lag Occurs?

Rank-by-Ping.com can remedy this, but before I tell you how let’s take a glance at why this cursed delay in gaming occurs. 

There are several reasons why this delay occurs. Some of the devils are slow internet 

speed, incompatible firewall settings, the ISP quality of the client computer etc.

The Curses of Lag in Gaming

Undue Advantage to a Player

In multiplayer action games, a long lag may cause a player to disappear from one place and reappear in another without following the game protocol. This makes it difficult for other players to track his location and target him properly.

Forced Ouster by the Game Server

To negate this advantage to a player, the game server may kick him out of a multiplayer game without any notice if the ping is too high. 

Undue Disadvantage to a Player

On the other hand, a player may not effectively track other players and move his character accordingly in case of a long delay or lag time.

Benefits of Rank-by-Ping.com in Gaming

Rank-by-Ping.com helps you to give a fitting reply to the menace of this lag. By giving you several features to deal with different aspects of this high ping, this tool certainly ensures seamless gameplay.

You Can Measure your Ping Time Accurately

Using this tool, you can measure your ping time for different servers. As a result, you can test the ping time and select the server with the lowest ping time to ensure uninterrupted gameplay.

An uncluttered Interface Ensures Ease of Use

Rank-by-Ping.com has an easy-to-understand uncluttered interface. This user-friendly interface will help you to quickly know the ropes and use the tool expertly to your greatest advantage.

Display of Server Ranks

This tool displays for you its rankings of various gaming servers. You can have you pick from several servers to ensure a smooth gameplay.

Improves your Gaming Performance

Suppose you can accurately measure the ping time of available servers and select which one is best for you according to their ranking. In that case, you can approach the game in a calm, poised and confident manner, which will automatically improve your performance during a game.

Improves Your Mood

Ensuring uninterrupted gameplay, Rank-by-Ping.com cuts down your frustration drastically and reduces the occurrence of meaningless rage quits on your part.

How to Use Rank-by-Ping.com?

  • Go to the website
  • Select the game you want to play
  • Check out the ranking of servers according to their ping time
  • Choose the server with the lowest ping time.
  • Play the game!

So you see, using this amazing gaming tool is ridiculously easy. So what are you waiting for? Go, get it.


In the world of online gaming, lag or high ping time is a real killjoy. It destroys the gameplay, frustrates players, creates confusion and delay and detracts from the entire joy of gaming. 

Any gamer with a little experience knows how frustrating it is to be in the middle of a shooting spree when suddenly the screen gets frozen. 

But Rank-by-Ping.com can remedy this and give you a seamless gameplay. So, go ahead, shoot ’em up!


What is ping in online gaming?

Ping is the time lag between a request from the client computer and the response from the gaming server.

Why is ping frustrating in gaming?

Excessive delay or lag creates frustration, confusion and unwarranted interruptions in a multiplayer game.

What is Rank-by-Ping.com?

Rank-by-Ping.com is a tool that ensures seamless gameplay by helping gamers minimize the ping time.

How can I reduce high ping?

Gamer-friendly tools like Rank-by-Ping.com will help you have uninterrupted gameplay.

About Lija

I am the voice, author and creator behind the Webtechhelp. For me, writing is one of my favorite hobbies. In my free time, I like to spend my day reading books, tech, outing with friends, family, and writing.

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